Protect your employees by
embracing our COVID-19

Contact Tracing Solutions

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Manage & oversea a distributed workforce

Have your workforce check in via web app daily so you can know whether they are remote or on-site. Use our dashboard to identify trouble spots and trends so you can deploy resources quickly. Help reduce risk with workplace capacity alerts.

Help reduce risk before employees enter the workplace

Use a privacy-minded, digital health screen so your people and vendors can self-report based on CDC guidelines and state requirements. Build an encrypted audit trail that can be used by HR or case management systems.

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Boost workers confidence while at the workplace

Use a privacy-focused, contact tracing app that collects anonymized proximity data and is geofenced to your workplace. If a user self-reports illness, know immediately at-risk users so you can target communications.

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Contact Tracing Application for Employees is a powerful, secure solution that lets you:

Capture the right information with guided assessments.

Manually trace interactions across employees, meetings, & offices to identify possible points of transmission.

Trigger actions to accelerate intake, follow-up tasks, & daily monitoring.

Address possible barriers to worker health and productivity.

Daily Symptom Tracking

An easy-to-interact-with wellness survey that every employee must complete daily.

The wellness survey functionality offers employees an easy way to track their symptoms daily. It also helps organizations act swiftly whenever an employee reports any symptoms.

Hotline number

The CDC helpline for users seeking immediate help. Information on nearby COVID-19 test centres For requesting tests and assistance.

Daily Check-In Forms

Take the symptom questionnaire to help slow down the spread of COVID-19.

The Daily Wellness Survey helps:

  • Check current symptoms
  • Confirm the need for COVID-19 testing
  • Daily tracking of symptoms.

Checkup History

The app also shows recent wellness survey reports to easily track the development of any COVID-19 symptoms.

Fully customizable app configuration

The biggest benefit of our contact tracing app is the client-specific configuration that we offer. We first understand your company-specific contact tracing needs and then configure our app accordingly.

Providing unique solutions for your needs

Companies: Dedicated HR and Employee dashboards for effective monitoring

Universities: Integrated single sign on features with the university systems

Factories: Easily navigable applications minimizing need for labor training